YOGA with Cia! at Fish Hatchery Park, Bedford, NS.

Join me today on the banks of the mouth of the Sackville River for a warming flow in February! I find the sound of the water and rapid waves calming yet energizing. I love doing yoga in nature. If you ever get a chance, the Fish Hatchery Park is a great place to do your practice... and as always, if you cannot get to the park your self, you can always join me virtually. Enjoy, breathe deep and allow yourself to be pampered. Namaste

This video is for 220221 - YOGA with Cia! at Fish Hatchery Park, Bedford, NS. and Olive - all of the Nature Yoga sessions members only.
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YOGA with Cia! at Fish Hatchery Park, Bedford, NS. (sequence)

Join me today on the banks of the mouth of the Sackville River for a warming flow in February! I find the sound of the water and rapid waves calming yet energizing. I love doing yoga in nature. If you ever get a chance, the Fish Hatchery Park is a great place to do your practice... and as always, if you cannot get to the park your self, you can always join me virtually. Enjoy, breathe deep and allow yourself to be pampered. Namaste

This content is only available to active members who have logged in. Required membership(s): YOGA with Cia! Nature Series